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I'm a fourth-year undergraduate at Harvard University studying computer science and economics. I'm originally from Anaheim, California. I enjoy rock climbing, listening to music, and playing string instruments. My academic interests include futurism, artificial intelligence, moral philosophy, public policy, and physics. A few of my projects are highlighted below. To see what else I've been up to over the years, take a look at my resume!
Data Visualizations
Farm Animal Suffering Comparisons
- How much suffering do we cause when we buy _____? Aimed at informing ethical consumers. Some results run counter to common perception - for example, buying chicken is probably more unethical than buying beef.
American Electoral Politics: The Past 100 Years
- U.S. presidential elections from 1912 to 2012
What Makes an Elite Rock Climber?
- Characteristics of boulderers who have achieved V15 (8C), the hardest confirmed grade
- Word clouds characterizing any subreddit, fetching data in real time from Reddit's API
Applications and Extensions
- A Chrome extension to enhance the user experience of the MMO game
- A Chrome extension for streamlined note-taking and excerpt sharing on Wikipedia
- A training, reference, and record-keeping app for rock climbers
- Settlers of Catan board generator
Connect Four AI: Interactive Game and Two-AI Showdown
- Adjustable-difficulty AI with command-line interface, using MiniMax and AlphaBeta pruning
- A simple in-browser tool to generate win probabilities between two players given their Elo ratings.
Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty
- With Jisung Park
Buying Enemies: Why Foreign Assistance Endangers US Security Interests and Directions for Reform
- With the 2014 national security policy team at the Harvard Institute of Politics